Ko Ngā iwi katoa ōtautahi

Whoever you are, and wherever you come from, you are welcome here.

We are an apostolic family who Honour God, Love People & Serve Nations.

We see people encountering God, finding family, being empowered & extending His kingdom in our beautiful city & beyond in a multi-cultural, multi-generational context.

As an Apostolic Family we believe everyone should find a place of belonging and become part of a family where they’re seen, loved, receive healing and are valued. Our desire is that this community of people will be invited to life-changing encounters with God that transform and empower us to change our world and thrive in all aspects of our lives.

Our Story

Every Nation Christchurch has been honouring God, loving people and serving nations in the beautiful city of Christchurch, New Zealand since the year 2000.  

In response to a vision of the fire of God breaking out in Cape Town, South Africa and spreading to the nations, Pastors Bernhard and Colleen Wewege, and their young family were sent out from the Every Nation Church, Cape Town (previously His People) and came to Christchurch full of faith and certainty that God had called them to establish an apostolic centre. (See www.everynation.org for more information about our Global church family)

In March 2023 we celebrated both the official opening of our newly refurbished Korowai Centre and the transitioning of leadership to local  born Pastors, Nathan and Kirsty McGowan.

“Go and make disciples of all the nations. Nā reira haere, meinga hei ākonga o ngā iwi katoa.”

— Matthew 28:18,19

“Nō ngā iwi katoa, nō ngā hapū, nō ngā huihuinga tāngata, nō ngā reo.”

— Revelation 7:9

Our Team

  • Nathan & Kirsty McGowan

    Lead Pastors

  • Bernhard & Colleen Wewege | Senior Leaders

    Bernhard & Colleen Wewege

    Senior Leaders

  • Sian Fesola’i


  • Colette Noordanus

    Social Responsibility

  • Priskila Sumual

    Office Administrator

  • Vinolia Jacobs


  • Debbie Armstrong

    Engage Admin

Our Cultures

  • God’s heart is for the lost of the world. We are commissioned to GO into all the world, whatever sphere of influence that is — campus, community, our city and our nation. We value impacting our communities and the nations by lovingly serving them in their need and imparting God’s love. In this we are loving the Lord our God and loving our neighbour as ourselves (John 3:16; Luke 19:10; Proverbs 14:31 Romans 1:16; 2 Tim 1:7,8).

  • We are committed to following the heart of Jesus’ mission on earth, to usher in the Kingdom of God and to “go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:18-19). Not only leading people to Christ but also walking alongside them in their God-given destinies.

  • Faith is the currency of Heaven and miracles are part of the normal every-day Christian life. We believe in the impossible. We are not wishers, hopers, or spectators. We are believers! We pursue and expect the impossible knowing that we are meant for the “greater things” (John 14:12).

  • We value relationships and community. We seek to build a healthy spiritual family built upon genuine relationship, trust, honesty and fun amongst people of all walks of life from every nation and culture (Psalm 127:13). We believe that Godly families are the building blocks of society (Psalm 22:27, Ephesians 2:19).

  • We’re intentionally multi-generational and we deliberately create opportunities and platforms to develop the next generation of leaders (1 Timothy 2:2, Psalm 145:4).

  • God is glorified when all people groups live in unity and worship Him. Diversity needs to be celebrated. We celebrate all generations, all cultures, all tribes, men and woman (Revelations 7:9). 

  • We believe we are called to be Spirit-empowered and that we have been freely given God’s presence so that we can freely release it “on the Earth as it is in heaven” as ambassadors of Christ (Matthew 6:10). To represent Jesus is to literally re-present Him to the world: works and greater works, miracles and extraordinary miracles - these are the expression of a lifestyle that hosts God’s presence (Acts 1:8).

  • When we honour people, we honour and please God as well. The church should be a place of freedom, respect, empowerment and healthy discipline, treating each other like the royalty we are. Honour brings life and creates an environment for the miraculous (Eph 4:7-16 and 1 Peter 2:17).

  • Preaching, teaching, reading, studying, obeying and applying scripture is our pursuit & practice. Worship remains a core value as we desire to be a people who passionately worship God and attract and enjoy His Presence.  Prayer is foundational to all we do and we believe it is powerful and effective (Col. 1:17-18, 2 Tim 3:16-17, 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, James 5:16).

  • The prophetic strengthens, build ups and encourages the church.

    We believe that all can hear the voice of God and everyone can prophesy 

    (1 Corinthians 14:31).

  • ‘True worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshippers the Father seeks’ John 4:23.

    Worship is ministry unto the Lord. God is not looking for a specific sound, but a heart that is sold out and connected to Him.

As followers of Jesus Christ, we embrace and adhere to the World Evangelical Alliance of Faith. We believe in the infallibility and authority of the Bible, and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit for sanctification.

We also embrace the Australia creed for sexual integrity and encourage others of faith to make a stand too.

Who God says we are through prophecy


    "This church will be an airport - many will come and go and be refreshed, trained, empowered, equipped, established and healed.  The church, like an airport, will welcome and send people to the four corners of the world."


    The word we received for the building before we moved in was "epicentre." This was long before Christchurch experienced years of earthquakes. An epicentre for the fires of revival.


    The inheritance and call of the house is healing. We must partner with this birthright. The inheritance of signs and wonders and miracles will be unlocked and it will unlock an inheritance.


    “I hear the sound - the sound of worship coming from New Zealand. I hear the sound of worship coming from the Islands. The shout of cries of thanksgiving to God.”


    “Out of this place will come the voice of Jesus  to the nations of the world. It will be a mature work, it will be a  good work. There will be a shout that will be the voice of Jesus to the nations. I see sons and daughters going to the nations as arrows of deliverance, in time, to smite the works of darkness. To bring the kingdom of God.”


    In this house people will know that God reigns - people will live and have life! This will be a place where people find family, shelter and rest and more importantly they’ll find the equipping of God. This will be a place where they’ll  find the enablement and empowerment of God and people will go forth and do what I've called them to do.


    People will be strengthened and this house will be known for its spirit of discipleship. It will be known as a house of discipling where my people will be discipled, and they will be strengthened. Arms will be strengthened for war and from there I will bring forth a spirit of a warrior – to bring forth - a spirit of pioneering, that God will fulfil what this city has been called to do.